20 May 2014

Grazie1000! ... and 2016

Dear all,

Thank you to Eleni for writing a mysterious and cryptic e-mail about what happen yesterday at lunch and later at the airport. I guess she is fulfilling better and better her role as Greek oracle and spiritual guru whom we love and admire ;-)

I can confirm something happened and something was discussed yesterday and I will give my version of what this was later today because now I am rather busy with pretty ordinary and profane matters such as saving Europe. However, this evening I will stimulate the discussion about 2016, but beforehand I can already give some comfort to Ida that Copenhagen was of course on our minds, but did not quite make it yet.

Ciao, Christof

Hello everyone - seem to have missed a point or two around the geographical point of 2016 reunion - next time I will definitely join sunday lunch as I have a feeling that CPH never came up again!!! Let me know where to - and who the organizer is? I am already looking forward.

Liliana and Giancarlo - my heart is still full of all the good intentions and hours you put into our fantastic group - you are remarkable!

Love Ida

Ida Zimmer Mellentin

On 12 May 2014, at 11:57, Eleni Sarantinou <es@life-spheres.com> wrote:

Picture this:
Yesterday boarding to Athens when Mr Schosser texted ‘which gate are you? I have something to tell you…’ After an intense 10min of intense bewilderment, me thinking ‘do we will go back for more partying??’,

Mr Schosser showed up…just to take care of my feelings as Berlin seemed hotter for 2016 in daylight and during Sunday lunch :o)

Guys, I will be wherever you are in 2016 and Berlin, Lisbon, Ibiza, Athens or Timbuktu. Because you will be there! :o))

Thank you, my friend Christofoulis for being so sweet and gorgeous as always! Love the effort you put in everything!

Now boarding to KL: overwhelmed with JOY: Lilianita mu and Giancarlito mu, grazie grazie grazie for all the LOVE!! We felt it!

Everyone: you rock!!

Achim mu: seems that I have missed your email, please send.

Baci tanti!
